Casa Verde is ranked 18 of 568 restaurants here in Cebu according to the site where i normally search best restaurants and places to go to. Casa Verde is a Spanish term which literally means casa "abode or a place where one resides" and verde "green".
Casa Verde has endless queuing customers who have themselves listed and are patiently waiting to be seated, countless orders coming in and out of the kitchen and diners enjoying their plates of the best food that this restaurant has to offer.
Whenever i get to eat here, I'd really love the Brian's Ribs and their Calamares which i can't get enough of. I had a taste of their over sized burger but i had to take my leftover home since i really can't consume the whole size in one meal.
Casa Verde has endless queuing customers who have themselves listed and are patiently waiting to be seated, countless orders coming in and out of the kitchen and diners enjoying their plates of the best food that this restaurant has to offer.
Whenever i get to eat here, I'd really love the Brian's Ribs and their Calamares which i can't get enough of. I had a taste of their over sized burger but i had to take my leftover home since i really can't consume the whole size in one meal.
photo of the menu i ate for lunch @ casa verde
I have also copied some photos from
the Big Bang Burger
The Count of Monte Cristo
Happy dining! Wish you had/ you'll have your dining experience here! 'Til then Casa Verde... c;
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